playlist length calculator

Playlist Length Calculator

Enter a playlist link, playlist ID, or even a video link from the playlist to get started.
Our tool can handle any number of videos, providing detailed analysis for the entire playlist. Enjoy seamless analysis with total and average video lengths, and playback times at different speeds (1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x). Simply paste your link, click "Start Analysis," and view your results effortlessly.

Playlist Length Calculator
Easy & Free

Youtube has become India’s biggest video platform ever whether about viewing videos or about uploading them. But there is one feature that Youtube is lacking. Do you know what ? A Playlist Length Calculator . Yes, a calculator to know about the total length of any playlist on Youtube. There is a vast variety of content that is present over there on Youtube. The amount of Youtube playlists is uncountable. These playlists help people in every possible way. Whether you are a student, teacher, housewife, gardener, cook, designer, a content creator or any normal person you can always find a playlist of your choice. As the viewers are increasing, so are the creators. 


When resources increase , confusion also increases. In our fast paced world where everyone is running , people don’t have time. Time management has become a deadly problem. This is where our tool – Playlist Length Calculator comes in use. A perfect tool to calculate the duration of any youtube playlist. A perfect tool to easily manage your precious time. A perfect tool to increase productivity. 

This Playlist Length Calculator for Youtube calculates the combined length of all the videos in a given playlist, by which you can quickly find out how much time it will take you to play the whole playlist, from the start to finish. And, don’t worry. The tool is 100% accurate, because it uses YouTube’s official API to fetch a video’s length. Additionally, it ignores deleted or private videos. Read further to know every detail about this tool. 

Our another detailed playlist length calculator?

Check your videos wise youtube playlist duration

What is a Playlist Length Calculator?

Let me tell you in detail about what Playlist Length Calculator actually is? Our YouTube Playlist length calculator is an innovative tool that finds out how long a YouTube playlist is. It works by summing up the length of all the videos included in a playlist, but excluding the videos which are not available. This feature may help viewers in planning their watch list, by giving them the precise details of how long they will need to spend watching a playlist. 

How to Use our Playlist Length Calculator

Using our Playlist Length Calculator tool is very simple. Even simpler than you might think. To know how to use it , Check out these few steps : 

Copy The Playlist Link

Go to the playlist which you want to calculate the length of. Then copy the link of the playlist, either from the address bar or by clicking on the share button.

Paste The Link

Then Visit our website and paste the link of the playlist on our Playlist Length Calculator tool. You can also paste the playlist ID.

Calculate The Length

Then, hit the ‘Start analysis’ button. Wait for a few seconds and the result will be displayed. You can see the length of the entire playlist.

Features Of Our Playlist Length Calculator

While designing this tool, a number of positive things were taken into account. We made this tool for helping the audience to stay productive and manage there time efficiently. There are some key factors we kept in mind while making our Youtube Playlist Length Calculator. Here are some among them –

1. Simplicity

This tool has a straightforward interface that is anyone can use it very easily. Our tool is highly accessible by both beginners and advanced users as it is very easy to use. We believe that a good piece of software should be straightforward enough for users, and that is why you just have to provide a URL to the YouTube Playlist you want to analyze. Nothing else, you don’t even need to login.

2. Accuracy of Results

The calculator gives out correct results, which makes it much reliable. And how’s it? Very simple. We use YouTube’s API to fetch the video length of all the videos included in the playlist, and we only consider videos that can be played. This means that private or deleted videos are not taken into consideration. Then, it’s all about math, to provide you the total length of the playlist. And that is how our tool provides the most accurate results.

3. In-Depth Report

Our Playlist calculator stands apart from others by delivering an in-depth report of your favorite playlist. Apart from the total playlist length, you can even see all the titles of the videos uploaded in the playlist and the duration of each video. This way, you can make sure whether the playlist is worth the time or not.

4. Free Sharing

Share the report of the playlist to anyone free of cost. All you need to do is just copy the link to the report shown at the end of the results’ dashboard.

Pros & Cons of Playlist Length Calculator

Final Words

If you are also thinking of how long would be your favorite playlist? Then, no more guessing or manual calculations. Check out our tool and generate an in-depth report of your playlist. Share it with anyone with just a single click. Try out our Free Playlist Length Calculator tool now. Hurry up ! Because Time is Money. 

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